Monday, April 26, 2010

Dear Ven. Al San,

Thank you very much for your kind encouragement.

Gudo Wafu Nishijima


  1. Thank you Roshi. You are doing followers of Dogen worldwide a tremendous service.

  2. Dear Sensei,

    Thank-you for the message about zazen.

    At the zazen group I attend, someone asked the question 'Why do you do zazen?'

    The most honest answer to this question I could think of is simply because I have trained myself to do zazen like a habit. I had no other more impressive or complicated answer to the question. I find this answer a bit strange, and I think other people do also, but I can't really think of a more direct and true answer at the moment.

    How would you answer the question 'Why do you do zazen?'

    Thanks & Regards,


  3. Dear Ven. Al San,

    Thank you very much for your kind greetings.

    Dear Ven. Harry San,

    The reason, why we practice Zazen' is to keep our autonomic nervous system always balanced.

  4. Dear Roshi,

    What if a person practices shikantaza, and keeps practicing shikantaza, and keeps practicing shikantaza still, and never reaches a balanced state? Does the balanced state depend upon the stillness of our minds?

    Thank you.

  5. Dear Roshi,

    What if a person practices shikantaza, and practices shikantaza, and then keeps practicing shikantaza, and NEVER arrives at a balanced state? Is this possible? Do we judge the balanced state by the stillness of our minds during zazen? Thank you very much.
