Dogen Sangha Blog


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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Songs in praise of Buddhist Truth

1. Pursuing the Truth

Nowadays, when we are talking about the Truth,

I wonder whether there might be so many people,

Who laugh at us that it is very funny,

That there are a few people on the earth,

Who believe in the existenceof the Truth in this World actually.

But I don't think so.

If there were no Truth on the earth, I would not like to live here longer,

Because it is not so much interesting, and it is so much useless living in this world.

(21, Oct, 2008)

(2) Instict to pursue the Truth

Fortunately, we have been born as human beings,

Therefore I think that we human beings have much interest to pursue the Truth.

And so I would like to encourage myself pursuing the Truth,

Because it might be the most interesting and the most enthusiastic life for us.

Of course there are economical problem in our daily life,

But Master Dogen said, when we are working, the rewards are existing in working itself


(21, Oct., 2008)

(3) Clarification of Buddhist philosophy

Fortunately I have attended Master Kodo Sawaki's monthly retreat,

At Daichu-ji in Tochigi Prefecture in October 1940,

For listening to his lecture "Fukan-zazen-gi," for the first time.

At that time Master Kodo Sawaki proclaimed loadly that

"The Right Wing is wrong, and the Left Wing is wrong!"

Listening to such a very rear expression,

I thought that his expression might be true.

Then I have begun to study Buddhism, especially Master Dogen's thoughts, then,

I have begun to practice zazen everyday, and to read Mastr Dogen's works everyday.

I have begun my Buddhist lectures in Japan and abroad, and written many Buddhist books

In Japanese, in English, and so forth.

After understanding Master Dogen's Buddhist thoughts completely utilizing 40 years,

I have studyed Master Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamaka in Sanskrit,

And after syudying 50 years, I have arrived at the ultimate meaning of it on 13, Oct, 2008.

Then I have noticed that the ultimate Truth in the Universe clearly exists on the earth,

And it should be grasped by everyone precisely.

The ultimate Truth in the Univerce must be just the Gautama Buddha's teachings,

Which includes the theory of Four Philosophies, The rule of Cause and Effect,

The philosophy of action at the present moment, and Reality of the Whole Universe.

(21, Oct., 2008)

Prefecture in Octo


Blogger jundo cohen said...

Thank you, Roshi. Your life is a poem.

Gassho, Jundo

8:42 PM, October 21, 2008  
Blogger Al said...

Thank You Roshi.

12:06 AM, October 22, 2008  
Blogger Harry said...

"At that time Master Kodo Sawaki proclaimed loudly that

"The Right Wing is wrong, and the Left Wing is wrong!""

Dear Nishijima Roshi,

It saddens me that some people have interpreted this statement from Master Kodo Sawaki as a sort of ambiguous, even nihilistic, statement about just politics.

It saddens me also that there are those Buddhists who consider the advancement of their own narrow 'left' or 'right' agendas as some sort of valid Buddhist view which is superior to other people's views.

Truly where we advance a 'right' we must make a 'wrong' at the expense of the reality of the situation.

Thanks & Regards,


8:46 AM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger Peter said...

Dear Sensei,

Thank you for your poem. It's nice to read your blog again.

Best wishes,


4:54 PM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger Jiryu02 said...

"If there were no Truth on the earth, I would not like to live here longer,"

But how could you be living if there were no truth? There's no need to worry, there must be truth.

"Therefore I think that we human beings have much interest to pursue the Truth."

If we know than this pursueing stops. We are deluded, this is why we pursue truth. It wouldn't make sense for nature to design something that pursues the truth. It also would be impossible for nature to design a creature that pursues something that doesn't exist.
What a meaningless life that would be.
What a fustrating, elusive, deluded world it would be.
You're very existence proves the absolute.

11:17 PM, October 26, 2008  
Blogger Jiryu02 said...

"If there were no Truth on the earth, I would not like to live here longer,"

But how could you be living if there were no truth? There's no need to worry, there must be truth.

"Therefore I think that we human beings have much interest to pursue the Truth."

If we know than this pursueing stops. We are deluded, this is why we pursue truth. It wouldn't make sense for nature to design something that pursues the truth. It also would be impossible for nature to design a creature that pursues something that doesn't exist.
What a meaningless life that would be.
What a fustrating, elusive, deluded world it would be.
You're very existence proves the absolute.

11:17 PM, October 26, 2008  
Blogger Mike Cross said...

During the 1980s, when I used to visit you in your office to take your Shinji-Shobogenzo dictation, and then carry your bag to your old office in Askusabashi and then listen to your Shinji-Shobogenzo lecture at the Yanagibashi-kaikan, I never experienced that your life was like a poem. I experienced your generosity, your hinayana-style observance of precepts, your patience, your manly endeavor and dogged persistence, and your devotion to sitting-dhyana. I witnessed in you the transcendent accomplishments of dana, shila, kshanti, virya, and dhyana.

Finally, I would like to bow to the wisdom of Buddha -- to that which is free of attachment to pride, reductionist theories, and other wrong views rooted in the fearful human wish for self-importance.

2:22 PM, October 27, 2008  
Blogger Uku said...

Dear Nishijima Roshi,

thank you very much for your inspiring songs.


6:07 AM, October 28, 2008  
Blogger Barry said...

Truth is not a spoken philosophy. Truth is not ideology. Where is truth but in this moment.
Guatama said applicable words. They mean nothing outside of our application.
Welcome back Great Dragon, I have missed you!

8:21 AM, October 28, 2008  
Blogger nobodhi said...

thank you for returning to make more new song


gary gach

12:48 PM, November 23, 2008  

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