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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

MMK (25) Examination of The Serene State of the Autonomic Nervous System

1. When the Serene State of the Balanced Autonomic Nervous System is all of this world,
It is never necessary for this world to appear newly,
And it is also never necessary for this world to disappear at all.

If we are free from escape and free from self-regulation,
What kinds of balanced situations of the Autonomic Nervous System can manifest itself in fact?

2. If this world is totally lacking the Blance of the Autonomic Nervous System,
This world is totally impossible to manifest itself,
And it is also impossible for it to vanish at all.

If we give up to escape, and if we give up self-regulation,
Actually speaking, what kind of balanced Autonomic Nervous System will manifest itself?

3. It is said that this world is not something isolated, not accumulation, not something abrupt,
And not eternal.

It is not uncontrolable, and it is not unproductive,
However, it is the serene state, which manifests itself when the Autonomic Nervous System is balanced.

4. The serene state is not so clear to be called "existence,"
And expressions of "aging" or "death" can never be so direct expression.

The expressions of "aging" and "death" are existing as the adequate expressions,
And so it might be impossible for us to deny the adequacy of using those expressions.

5. If it is possible for us to say that, what actually exists now, can be called the serene state of the Autonomic Nervous System,
And so the word "Nirvana," has value of existence as a Sanskrit word.

As for the words, which are different from Sanscrit words, it is difficult for us to find the word, Which can express the serene state of the Balanced Autonomic Nervous System,
And so actually speaking, something, which is expressed with words "to exist,"
Where can it be found, and what can it be?

6. If the words "to exist" themselves mean the existence of the serene state of the Balanced Autonomic Nervous System,
What do they mean the words "to get something concretely" as an actual meaning?

It seems to me that the word "Nirvana," which suggests the serenity of the Balanced Autonomic Nervous System,
Does not include the meaning to get something actually.
Because it is perfectly impossible for us to find a concrete fact "to be" at any place at all.

7. It seems that the meaning of word "to exist" might be always different from the word of Nirvana, which means always the serene state of the Balanced Autonomic Nervous System,
And so it must be much difficult for us to think that what does not exist really now, might exist in future.

In that case it will become clear that Nirvana is not something exists,
And it might be something, which does not exists anywhere,
And it will become clear that Nirvana does not exist anywhere, which is some concrete place, at all.

8. If it is true that the simple fact that there does not exist anything is the meaning of Nirvana, which is the serene state of the balnced Autonomic Nervous System,
What is the real situations, which can never be seen other than as if it were nothing?

The situations, which are called Nirvana, are always different from something to exist,
And so it will become clear that the meaning of the words that "something really exists" do not mean that something will appear directly.

9. When a speed of appearance is a little faster, or a pretty faster,
It is possible for us either to indicate its speed clearer in some degree.

Therefore even in a case that a situation of appearance is not so clear,
The state called Nirvana, which appears from the condition of balanced Autonomic Nervous System, might be possible to be indicated especially.

10. Our action to give up something, might be a taboo to speak to others,
But at the same time it might be an action, which is favorite to almost all people to do,
And such an action does exist as fact,
And it exists everywhere in the Universe.

Therefore, a fact that something exists really, and an expression that it is not always denial not to exist, are usually different in their meaning.
And so the balanced state of the Autonomic Nervous System,
Which is called Nirvana, might be a little too much attached in the interpretation.

11. A fact to exist and a fact not to exist, might be possible for both to exist,
But in the case of what is called Nirvana, both to exist and not to exist are used to be always at all.

And even though it might be possible that both to exist and not to exist are just true together,
It should never be permissible for us to mix up stupid emancipation and Nirvana.

12. Generally speaking, there might be possible that both to exist and not to exist, can exist together,
But in the case of Nirvana, both to exist and not to exist, are always existing together without fail.

In the case of Nirvana, there might be no situation, that Nirvana hasn't received both to exist and not to exist.
Because the situation both having received something and not having received anything,
such two cases are the real situations of Nirvana.

13. Even though there are so many cases that both the case of not existing and the case of existing, are existing together,
Why is it possible for the example of Nirvana to appear both not to exist and to exist together
without fail?

Because in the case of Nirvana, the word, which hasn't been Sanscritized sufficiently yet, might be Nirvana,
And so the word "to exist" and the word "not to exists," might be only Sanscritized words actually.

14. It is very natural that there are the two kinds of possibilities both not to exist and to exist,
But what is the reason, why in the case of Nirvana especially, both the two kinds of not to exist and to exist manifest themselves together?

In the case of between the two, existence and non-existence,
Because the non-existence is only one between the two,
And so it seems to be the same that the situations might be similar to the selection between Light and Darkness.

15. Nirvana might be never not existing,
But at the same time Nirvana might never be existing.
What is called Nirvana might be similar to miscellaneous cosmetics pahaps.

Even in the miscellaneous things, which are not really existing, or even in the miscellaneous things, which are really existing,
Those kinds of miscellaneous things are really utilized as miscellaneous accomplished articles as commodities.

16. Even though Nirvana is completely different from what does not exist,
but it is not being sure to exist exactly.
At the same time however Nirvana is always recognized by ourselves.

Nirvana is never anything, which does not exist,
But at the same time it is not always something, which really exists,
Might suggest that Nirvana might be promoted by something to go ahead.

17. At the situations where we have transcended the state of being self-controled situations,
There might be glories themselves,
And it can never exist the fact that something is existing to be born at all.

Both the transcending the self-regulation, and glories themselves, both do never exist,
And at the same time there is not also the fact that the two, that is, self-regulation and glories,
Appear at all.

18. The fact that we have established our own position in society, just produces our own happiness.
From a simple fact that we are just existing in this world, does not produce anything at all.

Both transcending our own self-regulations and keeping our own glories, do never exist actually at all,
And at the same time those two facts, that is, our own self-regulations and keeping our own glories, which do not exist, will not be born newly at all.

19. Even in the case that we are just mingled with ups and downs of life actually,
It does never suggest that we have been given up by Nirvana,
But there is only a little strange situation might exist only.

It is much different from the fact that we have entered into Nirvana already,
But something, which is a little different from the ordinally situation, might be felt as a kind of presentiment.

20. What is included by Nirvana is just Time, and the Time is also included by ups and downs of life.

In the two kinds of substance, that is, Time and ups and downs of life,
It is perfectly impossible for us to find even a bit of content of anything at all,
But it is just the situation that some kind of very tiny thing can be felt so slightly.

21. The fact, that we have been separated from the state of being self-regulated situations with so long distance,
Might suggest that we have been touched by death, and so forth already,
And we can already perceive just Eternity, and so forth.

The Nirvana might be just the ultimate scene of human life,
And as for the supposition it might be only continuity of the ordinary daily lives at all.

22. Even though our behavior to follow the serene state, which has been born from the balanced state of the autonomic nervous system, might be the same as to follow the Systems of the whole Universe,
But at the same time such a situation can not be what is either eternal, or not eternal at all.

What is the situation, that something eternal are similar to something ephemeral?
And what is the contents of the meaning that what is not eternal is not similar to what is not eternal?

23. What is just which is really existing, and what is not really existing?
What is something to be eternal, and what is something not to be eternal?

Both what is not eternal and what is eternal, might be something, which can not be described with words,
But at the same time both might be never to be the facts just in front of us at all.

24. All kinds of our sense perceptions are totally a kind of time to take a rest,
And if it will expand more, it will suggest to be more peaceful.

All places, all circumstances, and all kinds of things,
Therefore everything in the Universe must be the contents of Gautam Buddha's instractions, totally.


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