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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

MMK (8) Examination of the Fusion between Action and

1. What really exists is conduct, or action,
And it is not true that this world is producing something, which is really exists.

Conduct is never what does not really exists,
And action is yearning for not to be real.

2. What to do something does never exist really in the real world,
And action might not be also being just the subject.

A fact to do something does not exist in the real world actually,
Therefore even a person, who acts, has posibility that he sometimes does not have any special clear aim at all.

3. When something unreal acts something actually,
The something unreal is just action, and conduct.

There is something, which is not reasonable, might exist as action.
A person, who acts , himself can be possible to exist as an unreasonable person, sometimes.

4. In the case that an attitude of being hasty is lacking,
There might be possibility that a motivation of practice is lacking completely,
And also there is possibility that it is completely impossible for us to find the motivation of our real practice actually.

And when such a motivation to practice really is lacking,
Both the real practice and a person, who really practices, are lacking,
And so it is completely impossible for us to recognize the motivation of real practice at all.

5. In such situations it is impossible for us to recognize both the system of the Universe,
and what is the opposite situations of the universe,
Therefore it is imposible for us to recognize both the two,
And there does not any coexistence with real practice, and so forth.

There is nothing, which exists in the system of the Universe, or in the reversal of the universe, at all,
However no one does not recognize at all that what is called result is just something, which is artificially made by human beings.

6. In what is called result anything does not exist really at all,
And into the circumstances, which is called "perfect freedom", or which is called Paradise,
Nothing will never appear at all.

However all actions, which have been done as morals, are following the system of the Universe, and have become the objects of our devoions actually.

7. What is doing act is just the Reality itself, which the real world, and the abstruct world, have been fused into one,
Therefore the Reality does never be born at all as simple mixture of something concrete and something abstract.

The fact, that the two factors both the concrete and the abstruct are included into one, is the real situation of Reality,
And so where is it possible for the fact to exists being that they are just the abstract, or they are just concrete at all?

8. It is completely impossible that the abstract are produced from the concrete,
Or it is completely impossible that the concrete are produced from the abstract.

Relating with all things and phenomena, what are called self-sacrificing efforts, are completely depending upon the person, who acts, totally.
Because for example even a vice just at this place does not show any exeption at all.

9. It is not the subjective world, or it is not the objective world,
But it is just the world, which is fusion of the subjective world and the objective world, that is just this world.

The fact that a conduct is done, is just an action, and it has very reasonable characteristics before it has been explained with words.

10. Action is never an abstract existence, nor an concrete existence,
But it is also an existence of fusion between the concrete and the abstract.

The fact that a conduct is done, is just an action, and it has very reasonable characteristics before it has been explained with words.

11. One existence, which is fusion between the concrete and the abstract, does actually an act,
And so both the concrete and the abstract are never practice of real acts.

A concrete fact, which is called action, seems to be introduced also from scientific discussion,
And so before the discussion has begun, the concrete fact has tendency to rely upon reasonable
discussion originally.

12. Very clear concrete practice is just action itself, and even though it is very clear,
But at the same time it is just the real practice.

An action is not to begin another action, but it is just to begin the same action,
And so looking at the things and phenomena very carefully first will become the very important entrance into a very nice happy condition.

13. Therefore in such a situation, giving up for us to get something by ourselves first,
And to observe everything carefully is the first step of miscellaneous action.

The fact to act is just to utilize the situation, in which action and conduct have been fused into one,
And so the real situations might be that something different from action itself is enforced to work in a very natural process.


Blogger Uku said...

Nishijima Roshi,

thank you for posting this.

8. It is completely impossible that the abstract are produced from the concrete,
Or it is completely impossible that the concrete are produced from the abstract.

Marvelous! Form is emptiness and emptiness is form.

With palms together,

12:44 AM, November 24, 2008  

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